Martin Figueroa ’21: Thriving in Collegeville

Martin Figueroa ’21

Martin Figueroa ’21

When a recruiting representative from Saint John’s University made a stop at Southern California’s Bishop Amat Memorial High School, Martin Figueroa ’21 admits he didn’t initially think too much about it.

“At first, honestly, I just saw it as a way to get out of class for a bit,” he recalls with a chuckle.

“But I’m so glad I went. Because hearing about Saint John’s and Saint Benedict got me completely hooked. I wanted to find out everything I could about this place after that.”

Martin Figueroa ’21 (left) and Axel Theimer, Chamber Choir director

Martin Figueroa ’21 (left) and Axel Theimer, Chamber Choir director

Including whether or not it would be financially feasible for Figueroa – the first member of his family to attend college – to travel halfway across the country and enroll.

“Scholarships had a huge impact on my decision,” he said. “I really had no idea what to expect. And I was so surprised by how much help was available for students who need it. That meant a lot. Because you know a school, and a campus community, that offers that kind of assistance is going to be a place that takes care of its students.”

Figueroa currently receives the Fruth Family Foundation Scholarship and the Fr. Don Talafous, OSB Endowed Scholarship, as well as a Catholic High School and President’s Scholarship as well. 

Those are all grants available thanks, in part, to donors who are making it possible for students like Figueroa to afford the cost of a Saint John’s education.

And Figueroa has certainly thrived in Collegeville, where he is an economics major with a minor in political science.

“He’s very interested in the connection between economics and the real world,” said Louis Johnston, an associate professor of economics at CSB/SJU. “He wants to explore the impact policies can have.

“He’s an active participant. He’ll ask questions that I know others in class have as well, but won’t ask. And that’s really helpful because it fosters the kind of discussions we should be having.”

Figueroa is active away from the classroom as well. He’s been involved in the CSB/SJU Chamber Choir since first arriving on campus and is currently that organization’s president. With the choir, he has traveled to Europe to perform.

In addition, he’s part of the Mock Trial team as well.

“Those things feel less like being in a club and more like just hanging out with friends,” he said. “If you enjoy what you’re doing, it doesn’t feel like work. For me, it’s a great way to decompress from all my studies.”

After graduation, Figueroa would like to find a job that will allow him to play an active role in shaping economic policy – a high ambition which he said his time at Saint John’s has helped prepare him to achieve.

Martin Figueroa ’21

Martin Figueroa ’21

“The education and skills you get at Saint John’s – the whole liberal arts experience – not only prepares you to work in your major, but in a lot of other areas as well,” he said. “I feel like I’ve gotten a really well-rounded educational experience here.”

And along the way, he’s become a role model for his younger family members. His younger brother is now enrolled at a community college back home in California.

“I’m so grateful I’ve been able to have this opportunity,” he said. “It’s something no one in my family had ever done before.

“Being the first member of my family to attend college has given me a chance to be an inspiration to my younger siblings and cousins. (To show them) that they can do anything if they work toward it.”